Saturday, July 7, 2012

Encouraging/Discouraging Our Children

As I am sure many people do, I worry about how I can raise my children in wisdom and correctness, yet not discourage them throughout their journey through life.
I learned these amazing points through the "Active Parenting" program that will help me to encourage my children rather than unconsciously discouraging them:

-Expecting too little of our children (our children need to feel challenged in order to succeed)
-Focus on their mistakes/weaknesses (avoiding things like "You are always late!" "You never do this right!")
-Expecting too much (If we are so perfectionist that our children never meet our expectations, they will lose self-esteem)
-Overprotecting/Pampering (Doing things for our children that they could do themselves-makes them dependent).

-Show confidence (saying things like, "I knew you could raise that grade to a B+! Great job!" or "I know you can be on time, you were so good at it last week").
-Build on strengths (focus on their strengths before helping them fix their weaknesses).
-Learn to value (value your children and let them know how you feel when they do things, give them positive feedback).
-Stimulate Independence (children like to feel independent - give them choices and foster independence).

We need to teach our children our children good values and be firm and consistent in our parenting, but this does not mean that we will discourage our kids in the process. If we follow these tips, I believe that parents can become better and more encouraging parents.

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