Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thoughts on Social Class in America

I wonder if it's possible to have a society where social class does not exist. Many people form countries with an aspiration of having no social class. America had this ideal when it separated from England. However, throughout it's history as an independent nation, there has always been classes. Their was the rich Americans and the poor immigrants or the city folk and the backwoods folk. People naturally separate themselves. It is human nature. As Americans, we still like to believe that our country is classless. However, the reality is that there are definitely classes.
A person's class influences their family structure and way of life. In class, a great question was brought up: does social class influence the family's capacity to meet its needs, responsibilities, and purposes? I think this is a fascinating question. This question spurns some other questions. What constitutes a family's needs? What are a family's responsibilities? What is the family's purpose?
I think needs are pretty easy to define. Every person needs food, shelter, and clothing. Most everyone can provide these to their family. It is true that the quality of the food, shelter, and clothing vary among the classes, but most families can provide the basic necessities to their family.
The family's responsibilities can be pretty clear too. A family needs to provide for itself and care for each of its family members. I believe that each class is able to do that.
The last question though, is a little more ambiguous. What is a family's purpose? And does class influence this? I believe this is a question that everyone should ponder and decide for themselves.

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