Friday, May 18, 2012

Yes! Boys & Girls ARE Different!

Men and women are different and there are reasons for that! We should celebrate and respect our differences rather than disrespect them or pretend that they don't even exist.
God created male and female and we each have different roles to play here on Earth.
Men were created by God to be protectors and defenders of the faith. Men are perfectly suited to fulfill this divine mission. Should we really discourage our young boys to act out battles between "good" and "evil"? Is not this their eternal destiny? Were they not divinely programed to fight the ultimate battle between good and evil? They are simply acting out on their innate divine heritage. Men need to be a little more independent and aggressive in order to be a solid foundation for God and their family.
Women have a divine purpose too. They are the glue that holds the family together. They were created by God to do this exact thing. Women are generally sensitive and nurturing. These are the perfect characteristics for raising children and supporting a husband.
We shouldn't deny our innate divine heritages. Men and women are designed to fit together perfectly. Of course differences sometimes cause frustration, but part of becoming perfect is learning how to fit perfectly with your other half.
I know I appreciate the differences my husband and I share. We are definitely different and have very different strengths and weaknesses, however, I feel that together, we can conquer the world.    

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